Saturday 26 July 2008


59.Sort out all my boxes in attic...COMPLETED

I wasn't too sure if I could mark this one off but the Mister he say 'yeah'.
To be pernickity I haven't sorted out ALL the boxes that are in the attic but merely the unsealed boxes and all the other stuff that had been flung up there without much care.
It was a joint effort as I am too scared to physically climb the step ladder into the attic. Our last house was fab as it had an attic bedroom with a wee door into a vast attic space but this house has the more traditional overhead attic with entry via a hatch and so for me remains uncharted territory!!
We managed to get rid of a lot of stuff we had forgotten ever much for
"we might need it later",
and if we do..TOUGH!
After we packed up all the 'no longer required' goods we donated them to 'Blythswood Care'.
Now I have lots of attic space to fill with 'new junk'...hooray!!

And so with that being the 25th item I have marked off my list I can also mark off this one:
100.Have 25 items done in year 1** ..COMPLETED

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